Friday May the 9th we ate breakfast .I sat by my mom and I ate muffins because this day was muffins for mom I really enjoyed it.When we got done eating we went to our classroom and gave our moms our gifts. I gave my mom a box whith my pictures on it. When I gave my mom my box she loved it a lot! Then I gave her my card I made for her. She loved it but she liked my box better. I love my mom a whole lot she is the best mom in the world! The next day I served a lot of mom's and sent Caroline a bunch of texts she got mad. Then I sat down and ate with my mom. When they did the Mother's Day program it was hallareous everyone laughed. On mothers day I made my mom a gift but I got a sunburn and it burned and hurt a lot . My nana says that it's the first day of summer....
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