There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 3. See you Tuesday.
Your child's shoebox replica of Solomon's palace should be completed and returned on Tuesday.
PLEASE, PLEASE work on addition and subtraction facts with your child. We will have Chapter 3 Math test on Wednesday. They are having trouble with knowing their facts.
Also there will be no school on Friday, September 14 for Fair Day. See you there!
Have a wonderful, restful 3 day weekend. You all deserve it. I will be packing so that I can move next week! Yeah!!!
4th/5th Grade

What exactly are the facts to work on? Also, I wanted to remind you that Caroline will be checking out early on Thursday, and will miss Friday and the next Monday. Thanks!
I want them to work on addition and subtraction facts1-18. Ex. 7+8=15, 3+9=12, 17-8=9, 18-9=9. You know, just facts like what you would see on flash cards. They are still counting these on their fingers instead of just knowing them by recall, and it is causing a big slow down in multiple didgit adding and subtracting. I am a little worried about when we get to mulitplication.
I have Caroline's trip on my calendar. I will send her work home probably Tuesday if I have it all together. I will be out on Thursday for a Dr. appointment too, so there won't be a WHOLE lot of new stuff.
Have a good day! Let me know if you have anymore questions, or if this is not clear.
Thanks! I understand now. I thought there was some sentence facts about addition and subtraction that I wasn't aware of. We have some flash cards and will work on them over the weekend.
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