4th/5th Grade

Friday, November 14, 2008
Bryant's Thoughts on Shoeboxes
I can't wait until the kids receive the boxes that we made. I hope that they will be very happy with what we put in the boxes. I hope they will have fun with their animal and like their flashlight.
I made a shoebox well i did not make it the shoebox the 3 graed did but I wroet the cared and did a picture and put a peace sine on it
Shoe Boxes Blog
Yesterday, we made a thing called shoe boxes. We put anything good like blankets. Then we put toys in the shoe box. We made cards to go in the boxes. I hope the kids that get them will enjoy them!
Connor shoe box
The shoe box it was an operation for kids maybe for kids with no homes or lost there parent from disses and wars I just want them to be happy.I want mine to be shipped to Germany.
Taylor's Shoebox
Yesterday we did shoeboxes. I thought it was fun. The fourth, fifth, and third teamed. The third brought the stuff to make them.
Will's Thoughts on Shoeboxes
My class went to Mrs.Bells classroom and packed shoeboxes. Shoeboxes are very fun to make.
In the shoeboxes we packed we put letters, toys, pencils, pencil sharpeners, and much, much
more. I hope the children that get these boxes, will be very happy to get the boxes.
In the shoeboxes we packed we put letters, toys, pencils, pencil sharpeners, and much, much
more. I hope the children that get these boxes, will be very happy to get the boxes.
David's Shoebox
For the shoeboxes that 3th, 4th,and 5th grade made, 4th and 5th grade made and decorated cards for children in Foreign countries.3th grade filled and made shoeboxes for the same children. 4th and 5th grade also sorted candy. We had so much fun.
Megans shoe box
I am so glad to make shoe boxes for kids.They will love there gifts. They have a teddy bear,
combs, jumprope, candy .It is a good thing to do shoe boxes, for kids that do not have homes.These kids will love there shoebox.I will do shoe boxes.
combs, jumprope, candy .It is a good thing to do shoe boxes, for kids that do not have homes.These kids will love there shoebox.I will do shoe boxes.
Jefferson's Chirstmas Shoebox.
Making my shoebox was fun. I can't wait 'til it sends out to another country. I hope the childern enjoy the things in this box. For a toy I put a yoyo.
John Thomas's shoebox
My shoe box was fun. I liked it a lot. I want to do it again. It felt good. Doing a box is a good thing.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Caroline's Thoughts on "Down by the Creekbank"
Last night we performed Down by the Creekbank. It was so much fun! Some people had solos or talked. The solos were "Senses", "Germs", "Being Me", "Love Is", and "He Plants Me Like a Seed". In my class Chandler, Megan, and I did some solos. Chandler sang Love Is, Megan sang He Plants Me like a Seed, and I sang Being Me. Will, Taylor, David, Bryant, and Jefferson talked. It was so funny! I hope that everyone who saw the play was touched and loved it!
Bryant's Thoughts on "Down by the Creekbank"
I learned that God is with you. I liked when Will said I caught a fish . I didn't want to eat that fish. I loved the music.
Will's Thoughts on "Down by The Creekbank"
My thoughts on Down by The Creekbank were that you should never forget God. The part that I liked the most was getting to be a true fisherman. My least favorite part was not getting to eat the sandwich when we passed it around during the song called "Multiply". The part that I enjoyed the most was yelling "I caught a fish, I caught a fish", and then it not being a fish, but it was a rubber boot. I also liked when Emma Grace and Megan Patch sang a solo on the song
"Germs, My Invisible Dog. My favorite part was when Brady did the echoes. I also enjoyed getting to wear a fishing vest. I caught a stuffed fish. I used a bamboo cane pole to go fishing in the creek. Down by The Creekbank was very fun!!!
"Germs, My Invisible Dog. My favorite part was when Brady did the echoes. I also enjoyed getting to wear a fishing vest. I caught a stuffed fish. I used a bamboo cane pole to go fishing in the creek. Down by The Creekbank was very fun!!!
Connor's Thoughts on "Down by the Creekbank"
Last night at Covenant Fellowship 25th we had a play called Down by creek bank and I was a stagehand. My favorite song was being me. I rang bells for it. My second favorite was germs my invisible Dog. My brother Kendall hooked a fish and a boot. After the play Bro. Dean said a few words. Well that's all I have to say.
Taylor's Thoughts on"Down by the Creekbank"
Last night in "Down by the Creekbank" we sang lots of song. The classes were kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth. The stage was the coolest thing I ever saw!
Kendall's Thoughts on ''Down by the Creekbank"
Last night at my school we did a play called, well it's up there. My favorite part was when I had to hook a boot on a Fishing pole, but it gave me a crick in the neck. I felt weird but I had to do it. Well, the music was the best, like germs.
Megan's Thoughts on "Down by the Creekbank"
I sang a song and I was nervous. My friend Caroline sang a song. We had fun. The kindergarten was in there too. Brady said the echoes.
Jefferson's Thoughts On ''Down By The Creekbank''.
I had so much fun doing this play. I loved hanging out with my friends last night. I liked showing the people what I can do. We put on an awesome play. I think after this play I have more courage.
John Thomas' Thoughts on "Down by the Creekbank"
I thought that it was the best thing that I've done in a long time. I liked it a lot. My Nana thought that it was the best play she saw in her entire life. I thought it was good too. They used my glow in the dark stars for decoration. I had a life jacket with fish hooks in it.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Caroline's Solar System
A few weeks ago we (at home) made a Solar System with whatever we wanted. I made mine out of styrofoam. They came painted, but I made them look real. It took a while but I got it done. I made sure they were in order and looked right. The order of the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. I had so much fun!
by Kendall
David's Solar system
Jefferson Solar System
John Thomas' solar system
Taylor's Solar System
Monday, October 6, 2008
Just a few reminders:
Abundant Funds Christian Collection orders are due tomorrow October 7
Friday is the last day to say multiplication facts for the ice cream party. Practice, practice, practice!
Friday we will have a test on all the Bible verses for the 1st quarter.
We will have Chapter 3 Social Studies test on Friday, and Unit 2 Language test Thursday. Science test Friday also. Boy, Friday is going to be busy.
There is no spelling assignment this week. We are focusing on writing and reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
Next week is Fall Break-everyone enjoy.
A BIG thank you to our friend Tonya Scott, also known as Mrs. Scott, for coming on Fridays to help us with blog posting. We are learning a lot. Thanks for your help, Mrs, Scott, you're the best!
Abundant Funds Christian Collection orders are due tomorrow October 7
Friday is the last day to say multiplication facts for the ice cream party. Practice, practice, practice!
Friday we will have a test on all the Bible verses for the 1st quarter.
We will have Chapter 3 Social Studies test on Friday, and Unit 2 Language test Thursday. Science test Friday also. Boy, Friday is going to be busy.
There is no spelling assignment this week. We are focusing on writing and reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
Next week is Fall Break-everyone enjoy.
A BIG thank you to our friend Tonya Scott, also known as Mrs. Scott, for coming on Fridays to help us with blog posting. We are learning a lot. Thanks for your help, Mrs, Scott, you're the best!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Bible Shirt Chandler
Kendall winton
Taylor's T-Shirt
Bible Shirt Starring Will
JohnThomas Crim
David's Bible Shirt
Shirt By Caroline
A few weeks ago we made shirts while learning about Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego. On mine I put " Play it God's way, he will keep you cool." Everybody had so much fun! I made a lot of smiley faces! I love bright colors so that is what I used. I used like red, yellow, and orange with marker! Thanks again for letting us do a fun activity Mrs.Burton.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Will's Science Project
Science Project Starring Kendall
Connor's Project for Animal and Plant Cells
Chandler's Science Project
David's Science Project
Taylor's Plant and Animal Cell
John Thomas' Science Project
Caroline's Science Project
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jefferson's Science Project
Science Projects
Both grades completed models of plant and animal cells. They worked very hard on these projects. I am so proud of their creativity. I will let each student create a post about his/her project so you all can see for yourselves.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Way to go, Caroline!
What a difference a year makes

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A silly pose
After posing for several pictures, I asked the students to give me their silliest pose. This is what I got. You know there is more silliness in them than this. I will let you all now when I capture it. We are having a great time in 4th/5th grade. The kids are learning a lot. I am still amazed everyday how much they learn from each other. They completed plant/animal cell models
in science. I will post pictures soon. We are currently working on adding and subtracting with large numbers in math. In language we are studying the subject and predicate parts of sentences. They are pros at this. In social studies we are working on map skills. We are studying modern-day Bible heroes and the history of hymns. We have learned about making choices that honor God everyday.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Jefferson's Post
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